No, Radiation Doesn’t Cause Gene Mutations –

The illustration below is from the December 1953 issue of Mechanix Illustrated. So where did people get the still-never-demonstrated idea that radiation could cause genetic mutations, if not mutant beings? You can trace it all back radiation-scare fraudster Herman Muller and his bogus 1927 paper in Science magazine, “Artificial Transmutation of the Gene,” which led…

No, radiation doesn’t cause gene mutations —

Love America or Love Woke — Science Matters

Update on the cultural war for America’s soul comes from the heart of California reported by Breitbart Bar Patrons Standing for National Anthem Sparks Outrage: ‘The Most Dangerous Situation’.  Excerpts in italics with my bolds and added images. At Rainbow Oaks Restaurant — just an hour outside of San Diego — a TikTok user shared […]

Love America or Love Woke — Science Matters

How opposite-think took over our politics — The Wentworth Report

How opposite-think took over our politics. By Patrick West. We live in a time of opposite-think, a topsy-turvy era in which truths become distorted and inverted. Words refer to the reverse of what they once did, and most things are no longer what they seem. Ours is a woke epoch in which women can have…

How opposite-think took over our politics — The Wentworth Report

Fair game in the new America — The Wentworth Report

Fair game in the new America. By Paul Sperry. Democrats are jumping for joy at the prospect of Donald Trump finally getting hooked, like Al Capone, on some kind of — any kind of — criminal charge. But their own political idols — namely, the Clintons or Bidens — could one day be gored by…

Fair game in the new America — The Wentworth Report