Grand Delusion: Why Battery Storage Can’t Fix Wind & Solar’s Intermittency Problem — STOP THESE THINGS

Claims that mega-batteries will fix wind and solar’s natural intermittency problem turn out to be mega-myths. First, lithium-ion batteries of the kind pitched by Tesla (see above) – like every kind of battery – do not generate a single watt of power and are net consumers of electricity during their charge/discharge phase. Second, they are […]

Grand Delusion: Why Battery Storage Can’t Fix Wind & Solar’s Intermittency Problem — STOP THESE THINGS

Biden’s Hometown Just Vetoed A Solar Farm: ‘No Benefit’ To City — Tallbloke’s Talkshop

Image credit: MIT Scranton’s zoning board vetoed a four-megawatt solar project, one resident saying ‘nobody wants to look at them’. So much for the President’s ‘most significant investment ever in climate change’. – – – Last Tuesday during his State of The Union speech, President Joe Biden repeated a claim he has made many times […]

Biden’s Hometown Just Vetoed A Solar Farm: ‘No Benefit’ To City — Tallbloke’s Talkshop